
TweetWhen: When to Tweet to Reach a Higher Audience on Twitter

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When should I tweet? At what time? Most of us are not Internet authorities and we don’t have thousands of followers, so our intention is to be read by many more people as possible. If we are using a Twitter account to reach a greater number of people, then it becomes even more important that we consider our statistics. What percentage of what we publish is read or tweeted?

TweetWhen is an online service that helps us in this task. It’s one of the tools from Hubspot and it allows us to measure our impact by time segments. Maybe our fans are more likely to retweet our content in the early hours of the morning, or maybe not. Maybe the majority of our followers just see our content in the afternoon or evening, when they are more free to check their mobile and social networks after work.

TweetWhen When To Tweet on Twitter
For online marketing purposes and for Social Media Experts this twitter integrated service is vital, besides it’s completely free to access (it’s completely free). And if you are someone who is tired of having to manage tens of accounts in many services, such as in my case, then this service will be great for you because you don’t need to register.

It works pretty easy, even a rookie can do it. You only need to enter the user name of your Twitter account and an email (optional), then press the “Analyze My Tweets”. The system will start to operate and collect information from your latest 1,000 tweets and it will generate graphs of the weekdays and time your tweets have greater influence.

In the graph we can see that for me at 10AM EST and Sundays is the time when I reach more people, or at least when my content is ReTweeted.

Link: TweetWhen

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Adobe Photoshop Wants to Conquer the Tablets Market

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It has already been officially announced and indeed they have even shown a demo on how the interface would look of Adobe’s new product: a Photoshop adapted to the touch ready peculiarities that will have the ability to be used in the two versions of iPads, new and old. The official presentation was made by Adobe a few days ago in the Photoshop World Conference, held in Miami, Florida, by John Loiacono, senior vice president of Digital Media Solutions at Adobe.

The truth is that they weren’t very happy with the old version of Photoshop Express for iPad, especially after analyzing how other image editing programs in the App Store were stealing their leading role in that field. As a result, Apple engineers got down to work and have developed a much more powerful version of Photoshop for use on new tablets that go to market.

Adobe Photoshop Express for Tablets iPad
This new image editing software will open the doors to the mobility world. The truth is that in the event of Miami they did not give many details about how it will work and what will be its benefits. But it is speculated that this new version of Photoshop will be a compromise between the old Express Edition and the Professional CS 5 version for desktop computers.

But before we make any more assumptions, I guess we have to wait to see the final version, especially in the USA market. This is just a tease so that we prepare ourselves for it. Later we will know new details, especially the most important: how much will it cost?

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