Google Chrome has recently launched its latest version, which includes the option to enter text via voice commands with xSpeechKit.
xSpeechKit is the new feature that Google Chrome has, now you can enter text into the Google search engine with the use of your voice. This option is available as a browser extension.
So if you want to search by entering text by voice, you just need download the extension xSpeechKit, install it and quickly start making your searches. Just like Android users can do it. Once you’ve installed xSpeechKit, you will see the image of a small microphone in the search bar icon that indicates you can enter text by voice.
But that’s not all, xSpeechKit recognizes almost all the input boxes that appear in pages that you open using the Google Chrome web-browser. It also recognizes form fields and email input fields. But unfortunately, it doesn’t recognize password input fields and character support for common symbols like the comma (,), Period (.), and (@) and dash(_) symbols are not available for email input fields.
Right now this tool is best if it’s used to enter text in search fields. But I have no doubt Google will continue working on it so that it will be more compatible with the other input fields.
Download Link: Click Here