If you have a blog, you know how important it is to be able to publish your content no matter where you are in the world. It may be a great story about your grocery trip or a funny picture that you took of something, your readers are always waiting for your latest post and you need to be able to deliver it to them. Well if you own an Android device and you have a strong mobile broadband connection, you can easily blog straight from your phone. With some of the great apps below, you will never be disconnected from your readers again.
Blogging with Tumblr
If you own a Tumblr blog, you can easily post to your blog using your Android device. Tumblr has an official application available to download for free from the Android Market. The app allows you to do everything you can do on the desktop, except the Tumblr Ask function. You can upload videos, pictures, text, and anything thing else you want to share with your followers. You can even video blog with the application. You’ll be able to shoot the video and directly upload it from the app. There is another Tumblr application MyTumblr that supports Twitter integration, so you will able to let your followers know you have a new post. Both applications also have support for people who have multiple blogs on their Tumblr account.
All-in-one Solution to Blogging with Android
Are you looking for an all-in-one solution? If you said yes, then you should definitely check out a great application called Moby. Moby is a free application that can post to any blog site and social media site. It supports Twitter, Facebook, WordPress, Flickr, and Tumblr. You will be able to instantly share everything across your blogs and your social media sites. It does require a stronger mobile broadband connection to support mass uploading to multiple sites. The only downside is that the application can be buggy at times. Another great all-in-one application is called Pixelpipe. Pixelpipe is one of the highest ranking apps on the market at the current time. It supports YouTube, Twitter, Blogger, Facebook, all of your favorite blogging sites, and more. It’s quick and easy to use and you will never find yourself frustrated with the application.
Blogging With Your Android in WordPress
WordPress is one of the biggest blogging platforms in the world. The folks over at WordPress created a simple application that is free on the Android Marketplace. You will be able to view comments and reply to your readers without any trouble at all. You can also quickly blog some simple content to your blog. The major downside is that the application does lack the ability to work with multimedia. You will need to use the desktop version or another application if you want to post pictures, videos, or music. If you need something that supports multimedia uploading, you will need to look into Moby or another blogging application.

We all love creating content and sharing it with people who have the same interests as us. Blogging is the best way to fulfill that love on the internet, and it’s really easy to get started with. With these great apps, an android device, and a mobile broadband connection, you will be ready to start delivering mobile content to your readers. The best thing is most blogging sites offer an official application that you know is going to work without any problems.
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I haven’t tried blogging using my phone yet. I think this is really interesting. thanks for the information. This would be great because it gives us the opportunity to blog wherever we are. 🙂
Wow! I never thoughts it could be, blog using android? It was pretty amazing…
Blogging applications for Android is definitely of big help for the people like us. I often collect information and save it as a draft through wordpress app. Unfortunately, writing a big post on smartphone is a tedious job and needs too much time and efforts.